Rotork electric actuators powered by solar panels on US gas production wells


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Rotork electric actuators powered by solar panels on US gas production wells



Rotork’s customer has ordered IQTF actuators to carry out modulating duties on wellhead rotary non-rising choke valves at the East Texas section of the Haynesville / Bossier shale gas formation, a Jurassic Period rock formation covering large parts of South West Arkansas, North West Louisiana and East Texas.


All wells at the Haynesville formation are fully automated to maintain flow and well pressure. To maximise the lifespan of the wells, the customer uses two choke valves on each one to step pressure down from 10,000 psi to 1,200 psi. Shale gas is metered between the wellhead and midstream trunkline where it is transported to domestic supply customers as well as industries including LNG plants and power stations.


在一个单独的项目中,已订购了60多个IQTF执行器,在德克萨斯州南部的Eagle Ford Basin的一个新井站点,在那里他们将再次安装两个井。客户在Eagle Ford和Haynesville盆地的运营及其在二叠纪 - 德拉瓦盆地的石油和天然气资产都为该公司在德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州的每天生产190,000桶石油同等学历做出了贡献。

Rotork’s lightweight, compact IQTF actuator provides fast and accurate valve control and can perform up to 1,800 starts per hour, an important factor given the need for a tight well flow threshold to avoid over pressure in the main trunkline. If too much gas is extracted in a short period of time the reservoir can implode or cause ground fractures which water or gas can infiltrate and cause a loss in production. The involvement of Rotork Site Services (RSS), which offered final commission and warranty, and Rotork’s support during initial testing and calibrating was also key in the customer’s decision to choose the company’s products.

IQTF执行器可提供旋转,线性或上升的茎阀驱动输出到ISO / MSS标准。

